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Update Windows CI Zuulv2

This document describes a procedure required to update Windows CI Zuulv2 configuration from contrail-windows-ci repository.


  • Ubuntu 16.04 or Windows Subsystem for Linux with Ubuntu
    • It will serve as Ansible control machine
  • User's public SSH key installed on Zuulv2 instance
    • Please contact Windows CI team
  • Access to ansible vault key
    • Please contact Windows CI team


  1. Install required apt dependencies on Ansible control machine

    apt-get install git python3 python3-pip python3-virtualenv
  2. Clone contrail-windows-ci repository

    cd ~/
    git clone
    cd contrail-windows-ci
  3. Verify that master branch contains PRs with required changes to Zuul configuration

    • Assuming PR#2 and PR#1 are required PRs, run the following command:

      git log --oneline
    • Output will contain a list of merged PRs, from newest to oldest. Required PRs should be at the top:

      abcdabc PR#2
      abcd123 PR#1
      e8691f5 Some other PR
      3af841e Some other PR, part 2
      # ... omitted


    • Assume that add contrail-infra-doc to gerrit (#212) is a latest PR that was merged and this change has to be applied on Zuul
    • Then output of git log should look like this:
      93c783b add contrail-infra-doc to gerrit (#212)
      1f86f26 zuul: setup-zuul-server playbook; variables in prod inventory (#210)
      # ... omitted
  4. Move to ansible directory

    cd ansible
  5. Create a virtualenv and install pip dependencies

    python3 -m virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r python-requirements.txt
  6. Create a file for Ansible vault key and populate it with the key

    touch ~/ansible-vault-key
    vim ~/ansible-vault-key  # enter ansible vault key into a file
  7. Test connection to Zuul with Ansible

    ansible -i --private-key=YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY zuul -m ping
    • where YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY is a path to your SSH private key
  8. Run setup-zuul-server.yml playbook

    ansible-playbook -i --private-key=YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY setup-zuul-server.yml

    Verify that the run completed successfully. The output should be following and failed task count must equal zero.

    # task list omitted for brevity
    PLAY RECAP    ********************************************************************************   **********                : ok=22   changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0
    # ... - task run time omitted for brevity
    • failed task count should be equal to zero